Medical Transport Service
Hours of operation
The South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Medical Transport Service is operational Monday to Friday between 07.30am and 5.30pm.
The Medical Transport Service is supported by 11 members of full time employed staff. There are two main shifts which are 08.15am until 4.15pm and 09.30am until 5.30pm.
The fleet of 11 vehicles is made up of Transit size vehicles plus two mini-buses and one 3.5 tonne lorry with tail lift.
In performing its activities the fleet travels approximately 225,000 miles per annum.
Altogether there are nine routes:
- Six commence from St Leonards (Dorset)
- Two from the Royal Bournemouth Hospital
- One from Poole General Hospital
Drivers have dedicated runs enabling them to build good relationships with their customers.
The work the Medical Transport Service undertakes for various commissioners includes:
- Collection of blood and other medical samples from Hospitals, doctors surgeries and other locations;
- Delivery of doctors notes, stores items (prescription forms, sample pots) etc, to doctors surgeries;
- Deliver and collection of internal mail to and from various locations;
- Delivery and collection of sterile and soiled surgical instruments to and from various locations;
- Collection and delivery of medical records from various locations;
- Delivery of pharmaceutical products from St Ann's to various locations;
- Safe transportation of NHS staff between Poole and Bournemouth Hospitals;
- Collection and delivery of monthly pay slips from Shelley Road to various locations;
- Collection and delivery of products from the continence service team in Shelley Road.
Contact details
Medical Transport Service
Richard King - Head Driver
E-Mail -
Medical Transport Service - 0300 369 0319 option 2
Medical Transport Service Post Room
Michael Stowe - Head of Dorset Post
E-Mail -
Post Room - 0300 369 0319 option 1