Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Making Diversity, Equal Opportunities and Human Rights a Reality

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) is committed to advancing equality and celebrating diversity by embedding equality, diversity and human rights practices into all areas of our service delivery and patient care.

The Trust views the Equality Act 2010 and the associated Public Sector Equality Duty as an opportunity to confirm our commitment to promoting equality of opportunity and eliminating discrimination, whether in delivering a service to our patients and community or in the employment of staff.

The Trust Board, staff side representatives and senior managers will continue to demonstrate, through their leadership and practices, their commitment to equitable and fair treatment.

For further information regarding Equality, Diversity, Inclusion at SWASFT please contact EDI@swast.nhs.uk 

EDS Case Studies

If you require documentation in alternative formats, please contact the SWASFT Public Relations Team on 01392 261649 or via email at publicrelations@swast.nhs.uk.